Learning a New Language

Speaking Glyph
Confusion. Challenge. Rules. Identity. Digging in. Searching. Vision. I don't get it. Well, okay. Just do it. Who has the ladder? I've got the asparagus looking stuff. Now I see.Yes!
Intent. Laughing. Crafting. Tension. Precision. Insight. Engineering. Molding colors. Shaping meaning. FIMO???
How does this stuff work? Warm it up. Work with small pieces. Pass the knife please. Does it have to be on a base? Laughing. Building. Sharing. Telling. Starting over. Learning. Sure I'll do that for ya. FIMO???
Crap, I made this great glyph and nobody needs it. Hey, I need that one! Thanks.
Reading. Explaining. Witnessing. Using. Will you listen to this? Sure. A-ha. Great job. This model is cool. FIMO??? Baking. Baking. Baking. Sleeping. Art. Laughing. FIMO??? Yeah, FIMO. Coming to knowing.
Learning a New Language

How can 36 people learn specific models, get to know each other and learn a new language called Glyph? There is probably an infinite number of ways but if you want to do it within hours make it a shared, hands-on game.

You played the game of learning a new language. It was based on the 5E's of Education Model from the MG Taylor practice and methodology and it was recursive from set-up to using to debriefing. You were expected to take part and to learn something that mattered to you. The game was explained orally and in writing and was briefly exemplified. Exploration was the next move and everyone in the workshop--participant and KreW alike--experienced the high of creation, craft and learning.
One Challenge, Two Models

Challenge: You successfully accomplished the challenge of cutting costs by 15% while improving quality and not laying anyone off.

Assignment: How did you use the models(s) to meet your challenge?

Your solution (in words and pictures):


S'poze Model

Encounter--We came up with the decision to cut costs by 15% with the intention of not laying anyone off and improving the quality of our work.

New Information--New information was brought in that was neutral. It was an interpretation of the message encountered.

Paradigm--We took the information and compared it to the stored information we have. It provided a guide to our success.

S'poze--S'poze allowed us to take the information in and create "what if" scenarios to play out the solution in a non-threatening environment.

Incorporate--As a result of our simulation we saw favorable results and incorporated the new information and began to make new decisions and new mixes.

Vantage Points Model

The organization's philosophy is the main driver determining the success or failure of the organization. Leadership/management's philosophy in turn determines the cultural environment that proliferates throughout the organization. Management, with input from all levels of the organization, establishes policies that are consistent with the philosophy and culture. Leadership must strategize in order to maintain or improve upon the current philosophy, culture and policies. In order to achieve the strategy, the organization and management must engage in certain tactics designed to foster/encourage. Management must look deeper and use logistics broken down by the task level.

Philosophy--customer focused (internal and external); improve company's bottom line; improve investor's ROI

Culture--openness; trusting ownership of company at all levels

Policy/Policies--company town meetings; TQM/CQI Committee suggestion boxes, etc; one member at every level of organization voted by peers to have voting rights on the board

Strategy--reduce costs by 15%; improve quality; no layoffs

Tactics--cross training/job sharing; job redefinition; cut shifts/increase number of hours; cut inventory; increase product standards

Logistics--schedules; spreadsheets/economics distribution/storage

Tasks--Leadership must have firmly entrenched a philosophy of reducing costs without laying any employees off while improving quality. This belief system may be invisible or hidden. This philosophy permeates throughout the organization.

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