Transition Manager's Creed
Revised 970717--The Glyphic Version

Transition Management is a specific kind of management. It is required at specific phase transitions in the life of an organization, corporation, city, country, or planet.

A Transition Manager is human. The Transition Manager's skills facilitate the emergence of group genius through collaborative work. He has similar time and resources as other individuals, but chooses to spend it differently. That choice is based on dedication to a personal vision. A Transition Manager seldom has a formal title. It is not a licensed professionÑit's a state of being.

The Transformation Manager facilitates the process of the transformation by combining the vantage points of strategic planning and project management and forging an environment in which the creative energies and insights of a group of people can function for mutual and planetary advancement.

The role and duties of the Transition Manager are specific; and the ethical framework of the Transition Manager is of the highest order.

The Transformation Manager may or may not be in an apparent position of authority or power; he or she may not be recognized for the work performedÑthese issues are circumstantial and a matter of practical consideration. The intentions of the Transition Manager continue to be sustainable even under these circumstances.

The Transition Manager works for no agency alone; he or she pledges allegiance to life, planet Earth, humankind, and the community within which he or she works. This approach contributes to the success of the Transition Manager.

The Transition Manager is responsible to life's quest to reach a higher order of being, manifested in specific accomplishments. This individual's willingness to explore and be true to nature will facilitate this way of life.

No matter what work role or position the Transformation Manager assumes, he or she functions from sapient authority in performance of the duties. A Transition Manager operates in a state of flow.

Feedback assist in refining the actions of a Transition Manager and those around him.

Organizations in transformation are in the mature phase or exist in an environment that is in a mature phase of its life cycle. In those circumstances, human credibility, certification and authority are based on the assumptions of the old paradigm that is undergoing severe stresses. The Transition Manager maintains the ability to operate in two different, and often hostile environments; this ability is essential to creating the bridge necessary for successful transformations.

The Transition Manager must remain free from entrapment by either the past or current conditions or the vision; the correct vantage point is from both, and from a healthy transformation with no commitment to a predetermined outcome in the specific.

The Transition Manager's fiduciary responsibility requires that he or she gain no undue advantage from the experience. An individual is attracted to transition management because of who he or she is, yet is defined and expands self through the work.

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