Designing the 21st Century Enterprise

Welcome to the Wharton Delphi. Below are a set of buttons that will guide you through a series of questions concerning enterprises in the 21st century. There are 60 questions, three to a page. To activate the pages, simply click on one of the icons and wait while it opens another web page for you. Each page has three questions to consider and "vote" on. First, read the quotes and questions, then click on the "Choose One Below" button. Choose the statement that most closely represents your thinking. Your responses will be automatically tallied by MG Taylor's web site server. Once we have a number of votes tallied, we will formulate a new set of questions, based on your responses. We intend to iterate and evolve this Delphi process during and following the DesignShop. Over time, we will add buttons to other web sites that provide more information about the ideas represented in the Delphi. This Delphi site will continue to collect and weave other sites into the work you are doing as DesignShop participants.

Take a block of time to answer all of the questions at once, or come and go as you wish. Each page will ask for your name so that we know who has responded to which questions.

Text Link to Humanity, Right Livelihood & Quality of Life: Philosophy.
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