MG Taylor Environments

MG Taylor approaches environments as one component of a larger system of management tools called the 7 Domains. Because environments are part of an integrated approach to management, we cannot look at environments, furniture and tools without considering the projects and processes that will be associated with those environments. This page, then, will highlight some of the thinking that goes into our environments and then direct you to further resources about our environments.

Environments for the Knowledge-Intensive Workplace An overview of the opportunities that an MG Taylor environment offers. By integrating processes and tools with the environment, MG Taylor allows workers more freedom, flexibility and productivity.
7 Domains® Model An approach to management designed to facilitate the emergence of creativity. By managing these domains, and not the people involved, organizations create opportunites for group genius to emerge.
Design Build Use® Model One our primary design principles is that of rapid iterations, as demonstrated by this model.
Philosophy and Practice of Architecture Matt Taylor's exploration of the meaning and applications of architecture.
Growth of Our Network of Centers Matt Taylor's discussion of the genesis and evolution of the processes, tools and environments used by MG Taylor Corporation.
Athenaeum International The company that designs and builds the our Environments and WorkFurniture™ components. This site explores the furniture and environments that AI designs and builds, as well as the philosophies behind them.
knOwhere Stores A marketplace for the New Economy, knOwhere is adistributor and retailer of MG Taylor® processes, tools and environments.
Design Specifications
What is a Management Center® Environment? The thought processes behind the design of a Management Center environment: one of the kinds of environments that MG Taylor designs and builds.
An Introduction to NavCenter Systems A general introduction to the processes associated with a NavCenter™ environment. The details of these processes will become design specifications for the environment.
Designing, Building and Using a NavCenter™ System: A General Timeline for Implementation Provides a general outline for the creation and implementation of a Navigation Center environment.

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© MG Taylor Corporation, 1995 - 2002

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