Modeling Language Glyphs
The Four Step Recreative Process
July 27, 1997

Each component of the model is represented by a glyph, the name of the component and a definition, the meaning of the symbolism behind the glyph and a representation of the glyph that you can use in quick sketching, or shorthand notation.

Four Step Recreative Process
|full model|

Glyph Etymology Symbology Quick
VISION: That which is or has been seen. Unusual competence in discernment or perception. A mental image produced by the imagination. The mystical experience of seeing as if with the eyes the supernatural or a supernatural being. Latin: to see. Eye: symbolic of intelligence and the spirit; a spiritual act
of understanding¹
TEMPLATE: A pattern or gauge used as a guide in making something accurately or in replicating a standard object. Often a piece of wood or a thin metal plate.
Old Fench "temple": a wooden device in a loom that keeps the cloth aligned during weaving.
"Temple": sanctuary
Triangle: holiness, power, a temple.
Slice removed: part that represents the whole, a model.
Spiral: potential movement, independent movement and eventual return ²
ACT: The process of doing or performing something. An enactment or decree. To drive to do. To push, propel or push forward. Infinity: the spiraling movement of the heavens; balance of opposing forces.¹
Circle segment
: elements or substances fundamental to a specific society's or individual's livelihood.²
FEEDBACK: The return of a portion of the output to the input especially when used to maintain the output within predetermined limits. Circle in motion: heaven, perfection; mixing, blending¹
RECREATE: To impart fresh life to. RE-:again. CREATE: to cause to exist; to bring into being; to cause to grow.
Latin: to cause to grow anew
Circle: the universe, perfection.
Japanese heraldic sign in which two seeds of the universe rotate counterclockwise.


Definitions are paraphrased from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language New College Edition, 1976

Symbolism is taken from either Carl G. Liungman's Dictionary of Symbols² or J.E. Cirlot's A Dictionary of Symbols¹ or a combination of both.

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