An Introduction to the
Navigation Center System

Navigation Center™ systems are flexible and innovative design facilities, from 1,500 to 12,000 square feet, that corporations implement for the purpose of strategic planning, departmental redesign, new product and service launches, human development, product design, information technology strategy, knowledge management, culture change, mergers and acquisitions, e-commerce strategic development, and more. Equipped with moveable WorkFurniture™ components, collaborative tools, a multi-disciplined research library, multi-media, creative work processes, and appropriate computer technologies, clients use Navigation Center systems to facilitate the growth of their enterprise in a fun, dynamic, and new way.

In essence, implementing a Navigation Center environment is similar to inventing a Silicon Valley start-up company inside the walls of your organization. The major components are:

The DesignShop® Process

DesignShop® Events are two to five day interactive group experiences of scanning the new economy, focusing on valuable ideas, and developing action plans to grow the enterprise. This collaborative process results in strategic direction, time compression, ownership, and implementation timelines. MG Taylor Corporation and the knOwhere Stores transfer the capability to deliver the DesignShop process over the term of the engagement.

Each strategic event is co-designed with project leaders and the NavCenter™ facilitation team. Project leaders bring history, objectives, content, and data to the design process, and the facilitation team provides expertise in the DesignShop method, project management techniques, knowledge worker support, follow-up documentation and communication methods, and research capability. Together, we design an experience that allows employees to fulfill essential objectives in a transformative way.

Project Management

NavCenter systems become the home of many projects following DesignShop events. Project leaders find that strategic maps and timelines created on 8' tall by 20' wide WorkWalls are essential for teams to continue to think strategically as they dive deeper into operational issues. And, as the marketplace changes with accelerated rates of speed and complexity, the collaborative tools of the NavCenter system allow implementation teams to keep pace and course correct as appropriate. More and more, companies are finding that strategic projects require a culture of "skunkworks" and "rapid design and prototyping" to succeed in today's marketplace.

Scanning the Market and the Future

An organization's ability to understand and respond to customers, markets, and the new economy is an important strategic objective. At times, individuals, teams, departments, and leadership must explore the world of work, study emerging trends, imagine possible scenarios, and apply various disciplines to invigorate innovation and inform decision-making. The Navigation Center system utilizes creative tools (thought games, color, artistic supplies, toys), as well as a multi-disciplined knowledge base of books (complexity and chaos, living systems, technology, architecture, business, humanity, creativity, and more), future oriented magazines (FastCompany, Wired, and others), articles, and case studies in order to broaden the context of daily work and life.

Knowledge Management and Learning

Navigation Center systems often become the system integrator of all corporate knowledge management, education, and training functions. The NavCenter environment , with state of the art multi-media and web-based capabilities, is a logical space for the collection and distribution of corporate information and knowledge used to further an organization's business and cultural purpose. The Navigation Center environment quickly becomes a favorite home for educational sessions, leadership development programs, computer skills training, continuous improvement workshops, and more.

NavCenter™ systems currently in operation:
BHA NavCenter, Kalamazoo, MI / CHP NavCenter, New York, NY / NASA NavCenter at Langley, VA / Gossick Leadership Center, Tullahoma, TN /  DTE Energy Learning Zone, Detroit, MI

Additional Readings

"The Creation Environment"

"What Goes On in a NavCenter™ Environment?"

"Designing, Building, and Using a NavCenter™ System"

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