7 Domains Audit Workshops

The 7 Domains® model (pictured at right) is designed to serve as a map to a sustainable future for individuals and institutions in an interdependent global environment.

7 Domains¨ Audit Workshops, utilizing patented processes and methods, systematically and comprehensively examine, analyze, and assess the health and coherency of an organization or enterprise operating in a knowledge-intensive environment.

These events are typically two or three days in length and can involve anywhere from ten to a hundred participants, depending upon the scope and scale of the Audit.

MG Taylor has conducted 7 Domains Audit Workshops with organizations including Detroit Energy, General Motors, University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business and Warner-Lambert.

About the 7 Domains Model

As human cultures and economies expand from industrial to knowledge-based modes of production, new definitions of value and wealth are arising. Conversations about capital theory have already begun to include notions of knowledge, social, and even, spiritual capital. If these are indeed the new means of production, then the debate as to who owns them and how they are accounted for, has only just begun. Clearly, the bottom line in a free society has to do with how people work together, what it is they choose to produce and how commonwealth is shared. To a large extent the current expansion is the result of several decades of rapid advance in microprocessor-based technology. It is evident, however, that fundamental change in the way these harder technologies are employed is yet to be realized. Just putting them to use inside of industrial-style organizations does not change the way the world works. In the near term, it will be on the softer side, through investment of these new forms of so-called capital, that history-making innovations in social organization will occur.

MG Taylor created the 7 Domains model in the 1980's to reflect a fundamental shift in management theory and practice. In the new world of work, people and things, the soft and the hard, do not need to be managed. The new role of management is to sustain the conditions in which creativity, innovation and new knowledge emerge within networks of interaction.


© MG Taylor Corporation, 1995 - 2002

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