Navigation Center® Systems download a pdf file:
"What is a Navigation Center?"

A NavCenter® System is an facility built onsite at a client's location and comes with all the essential elements of environment, process and tools found in an MG Taylor Management Center, but is used for the sole benefit of the organization.

Nested inside an organization, NavCenters are designed with a specific purpose in mind and typically serve as a focal point for the fulfillment of the organization's purpose.

Ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 square feet, MG Taylor custom designs every NavCenter environment in collaboration with the client because each client is unique. This design is not an intellectual, paper-based exercise to be followed in linear fashion by build-out and occupancy. Instead the design, building and using stages integrate and overlap with one another in multiple, rapid iterations. Even while designers execute drawings for a permanent center, the client may occupy a temporary center where their experience is folded into the design in real time. Users therefore have a direct influence on the next iteration of design.

This employment of the Design, Build, Use process includes not only the physical environment but education, technical systems, project management tools, facilitation capability, knowledge management systems, and venture management systems (see the 7 Domains® model).

In conjunction with a Work-System License and Knowledge Worker Certification programs, Navigation Centers are the primary means by which organizations utilize the MG Taylor systems and methods to release Group Genius and reach sustained peak performance in the workplace.

MG Taylor Navigation Centers in operation include:

Borgess Health Alliance NavCenter
Borgess Medical Center
Kalamazoo, MI
NASA-Langley Navigation Center
Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA
DTE Learning Zone
The Detroit Edison Company
Detroit, MI

The Vanderbilt Center for Better Health
Vanderbilt University

Nashville, TN

Gossick Leadership Center
Arnold Engineering & Development Center
Tullahoma, TN



© MG Taylor Corporation, 1995 - 2002

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