Ernst & Young LLP
How can you redesign your role in today’s global economy?

Ernst & Young LLP, already one of the "Big Six" accounting and management consulting firms, had just completed four years of unprecedented growth. Based largely on strong execution of technology-based strategies to help clients streamline and reorganize, E&Y management consulting practices in the US blossomed. The next step was to grow market share globally. Without further change in their consulting competencies, E&Y risked losing market share to competitors better at strategic management, bringing clients together in collaborative settings, and catalyzing changes in methodology. Long-term growth depended on growing these competencies internally to be able to deliver greater value to clients.

A series of DesignShop® activities followed by close collaboration led to a working relationship with Ernst & Young to transform the management consulting practice to meet these challenges. E&Y and MG Taylor collaboratively designed, built, and staffed a center for providing design services to Ernst & Young clients. Located in Chicago, the center is called an Accelerated Solution Environment. MG Taylor worked closely with E&Y to provide network support for the development of 21st century products and services for their clients. In addition, MG Taylor provided on-going internal transformation support for Ernst & Young at our knOwhere® Stores.

"In every instance we are getting done in three days what we would have historically accomplished in somewhere between six weeks and three months." —Lee Sage, describes Ernst & Young’s effective use of the DesignShop® Process

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