MGT News:
Group Genius™ Weekend
May 21 - 23, 1999Palo Alto knOwhere Store

Participant Comments

"This has been an excellent weekend. The best Gathering ever. I'm especially
happy with the increasing diversity of members. The brainstorming system
was very good..." --David M. Anderson

"A great and brain-jazzing experience -- a real thought-hunting expedition
I'll want to make as often as I can!" --Greg Bear

"Expecting the unexpected is good practice for explicating the inexplicable,
and finally for effing the ineffible...Much enjoyed the weekend.
Learned a lot -- the real point. Thanks!" --Gregory Benford

"It didn't suck -- which considering the current state of my endocrine
neurotransmitter system, is saying a lot." --Michael M. Butler

Thank you for a wonderful weekend. Optimism burned brightly here -- what a
step forward!" --Matt Day

"Very very worthwhile for me. Big vote of appreciation for Chris, Matt and
supporters." --Doug Engelbart

"Fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas with intelligent, creative people.
Working with Vernor Vinge on a work of fiction was a high point." --Peri Frantz

"If you attended past conferences, you are necessarily infected with an
incurable disease that will last a (long) lifetime. The deeper your symptoms,
the better the world will be sooner." --Christopher Fry

"An interesting experiment in group genius mind melding." --John Gilmore

"A milestone in our journey to better understand our future." --Robin D.

"Totally useful and unique. We are entering a new realm of the means of
innovation. People who want to be stakeholders in the future need to watch
this process." --Jan Hauser

"It was fun. Excellent snacks." --Joanne Jacobs

"Attended four great sessions." --Ted Kaehler

"Terrific experience for one of the unenlightened! Can't imagine a more
delightful introduction to the world of nanotechnology...Thanks for
including me." --Suzanne Kelly

"People I wouldn't have met anywhere else -- but needed to. People I haven't
seen for years -- but should have. Thanks for the chances and second chances."
--Doug Lenat

"Tremendous energy, chaos, enthusiasm, groping and formation of solutions."
--Max More

"Definitely the best conference in this genre that I've been to...
I was totally impressed." --Luke Nosek

"I learned a lot about leading and joining groups and creating products.
I'll be using this for years!" --Chris Phoenix

"A great opportunity to talk to some very smart and interesting people.
I learned a lot and taught a little." --Steve Postrel

"A lot of fun -- interesting minds at play." --Virginia Postrel

"I loved the conference. First time I really needed some clones to attend
all the events." --Steve Pruitt

"Fascinating schmoozathon!" -- Eric S. Raymond

"Cool conference -- very stimulating and refreshing -- so many of my heros
here." --James L. Rice

"This was an extraordinary gathering of stimulating, diverse people. One great
conversation after another. I went home filled with new ways of moving ahead
with my writing and thinking. A wonderful experience." -- Gregory Stock

"I haven't had such a high concentration of great conversations in years."
-- Dave Thau

"Had a great time and was exposed to fascinating ideas -- and, more
importantly -- fascinating sources of ideas." -Vernor Vinge

"One of the best times I've had at a conference, ever! Looking forward to the
next one!" --Charles Vollum

"The first time I attended a conference in this format. A great experience in
itself. The people in this group are phenomenal. The topics fascinating.
Thank you all who have worked to put this together." --Pierluigi Zappacosta

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