From the Archives...

What Does a Transition Manager Do?

[Matt Taylor's Journal pages 493, January 1, 1982, ]
unspecified location


Editor's Note:

Jim Channon worked with MG Taylor in the early 1980's when the operation was located in Boulder, Colorado (we now have a new center in Boulder that just opened, and it feels like coming home for some of us oldtimers!) I was introduced to Jim's work when I was with the Army Corps of Engineers in 1983. Jim had published several documents on evolutionary tactics, including one of his own vision for repositioning the military, called "The First Earth Battalion."

He and Matt had related styles of mixing graphics and text into individual and collective cohesive compositions that intrigued me. I began to copy their styles in my own Journals before I met either of them. In 1984 I had an occasion to work with Jim Channon for a few hours, and saw him only once since then. Both he and Matt have a wonderful ability to listen, draw, write and synthesize. Jim currently resides in Hawaii where he continues to help clients of many kinds to see and understand the richness of their visions.

The following document is a reconstruction of one that appears as an entry taped into Matt's personal Journal. The images and handwriting in the original are all Jim's but I suspect that they are the result of a collaborative session between at least Matt and Jim sometime in 1981. The document introduces five realms of the Transition Manager:

  • systems analyst,
  • futurist,
  • artist,
  • operations engineer,
  • and complex systems imagineer.
as a systems analyst he maps what's going on now
as an artist he can see what has not yet been and make a clear picture of it
as a futurist, he knows what's possible      
as an operations type he can then sequence the necessary steps to get to the visualized state  
Then as a complex systems imagineer he can combine all of these models into one comprehensive projection over time

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iteration 3.5